I Sell Neat Stuff found a wonderful niche market in vintage Cap Guns, BB Guns and other collectables. They have been around for many years and have a loyal following. But with all the changes in technology and mobile shopping it was time for a major upgrade.
The old site had a terrific run, but it was time to start over.
The Challenge
I Sell Neat Stuff had an old-school static website. We knew that we had to create something new, fun and inviting to their customer base.
Building on the Genesis Framework, we created an entirely new website. Next, we added all the e-Commerce components necessary for the Store. With all the products in place, we built an easy-to-navigate Category-Tabbed-Based Store front. The completed site has a playful message. Sales are up!
Cozy User Experience
Easy to Navigate
Multi-Device Compatible
The Solution
What a great message! The opening graphic takes the shopper back to their youth. And that’s the whole reason they came to buy a cap gun in the first place.
The Results
The site has been well-received and THAT is a good thing!

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