Good friend Salvador Cano decided to get out of his comfort zone and start his own business. Cabinet Refacing is his forte. He knew that he’d need a great website for his new venture, so he contacted Two Guys and a Mouse to design and build his new website, cabinettransformationsaz.com.
The Challenge
As we researched other Cabinet refacing companies and their websites, you noticed some sad trends. Seems like most were still back in the ’90s. Small thumbnail graphics and literally no good descriptions of the “process” of cabinet refacing.
Cozy User Experience
Easy to Navigate
Multi-Device Compatible
The Solution
Easy Peezy. We loaded up the site with big graphics to showcase Cabinet Transformations AZ talents and skills. We also designed and included several “process” graphics to better represent to clients how easy the transformation would be in their home.
The Results
The site has been very well-received and the visit count continues to grow. Next year? We add a full-blown e-commerce section to sell that wonderful Cornfest Swag. Good times….
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